This doll is going in for a high temperature firing, which is when porcelain slip vitrifies into glass and shrinks 20%.
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Work in Progress
This doll is going in for a high temperature firing, which is when porcelain slip vitrifies into glass and shrinks 20%.
Read MorePorcelain ears need to be simplified down to the most basic shape to be released from the mold, and then details carved back in after de-molding or after the soft firing.
In this stage, porcelain is as fragile as an eggshell, and can’t tolerate any pressure or force.
Carving of details has to be done with the softest feather touch and the sharpest of tools. Or everything breaks into pieces.
But when everything goes right, the beauty and permanence of high-fired porcelain is simply incomparable.
Next step is china-painting.
Wet cleaning a soft-fired porcelain doll head. It's as fragile as an egg shell in this stage.
Read MoreCleaning porclain doll parts during a snowstorm
Read MorePouring porcelain slip into plaster molds.
Read MoreStill making many tiny beaded water lotuses. The repetition of construction without seeing any evidence of the final composition is getting a bit tedious after a few weeks of making these.
Read MoreI’ve been working on a Little Red photo series to illustrate and publish one of my favourite fairy tales!
Read MoreAbandoning several months of work and starting over from scratch was a very hard decision to make, but it had to be done, sunk cost fallacy be damned!! I’ll talk more about why I made this decision in upcoming posts.
Stand by for more unveiling and enjoy!
Building up skin tone through multiple translucent layers of blushing. Three firings deep into the nine firings it took to complete.
Read MorePeacock Engraving Tattoo 1st layer down, 7 more to go! The dark is my base, and now I’m gonna start making it look real pretty! For my next firing layer I’m painting the skin tone in 2 shades of Lotus and Peaches, and introducing white highlights to the feathers to make the bird POP! She is a White Peacock Queen!
What does this porcelain doll and the Amethyst geode she nestles in have in common? They are both Earth’s minerals, born deep inside the earth millions of years ago! They are children of the earth, and her treasures!
It moves me to think of Enchanted Dolls as Earth’s children, while the ancient process of using heat to transform brittle clay into hard, translucent porcelain, makes me feel connected to our ancient origins.
Porcelain is combination of Feldspar rock and Kaolin clay, while the Amethyst quartz grows in igneous rock.
I think it’s a huge part of why I keep choosing to work with porcelain over other, more modern, epoxy based materials - there is an ancient, natural magic in it that goes back to the begining of time and the birth of our planet. It’s Earth magic!
I’m working on a new tattooed doll. It’s been a while since I tattooed porcelain, so I was a bit nervous about being out of practice.
Read MoreI love sculpting tiny sensual doll hands from porcelain. Every Enchanted Doll has her own unique set of hands and fingerprints, much like a person. Each hand expression is one of a kind, tailored specifically to the personality of that specific doll.
Every Enchanted Doll has her own unique set of hands and fingerprints, much like a person.
Read MoreA few years ago I started this doll Theodora, after the Byzantine empress of Constantinople, wife of Roman Emperor Justinian.
Read MoreAt this stage of the process the porcelain is in a very fragile and soft state called Bisque
Read MoreChina painting in progress on the new porcelain ‘auction’ doll. This is layer 3, of the projected 10 China layers.
Read MorePlease help me decide which nude I should make for this auction: One with an Original body (left) or a Curvy body (right)?
Read MoreCan you guess which famous painting I’m staging this time? I can give you one hint: It’s from the Pre-Raphaelite period.
Read MoreBehind the scenes of a cold, wet, doll photo shoot on Cypress Mountain. For the last year I’ve been scouting around for a perfect location to recreate the haunting John Bauer painting of Tuvstarr by the Fishpond.
Read MoreI don’t know how this always happens! I start out thinking that I’ll just sew on a few little pearls here and there for small accents...but then somehow it’s hundreds of pearls and hours later, and I’m still doing it!